What to Wear


  • The rowing stroke is continuous. Your body will be in constant motion while on a sliding seat. Clothing should be snug but not tight. Loose clothing will snag on seat wheels and rigging bolts. Compression shorts good; basketball shorts bad.
  • We row in all weather conditions. We row in full sun (there is no shade on the pond), we row when it’s hot, we row when it’s cold. We row when it’s raining, and we’ve even gone out in the snow. Come prepared for all conditions. Come prepared for changing conditions.
  • Practices get switched-up without advance notice. An indoor erg workout can become a run. A water practice can become a land practice. Come prepared to every practice for a run. Bring sneakers to every practice; you cannot run in Crocs.


Mandatory Items

  • Water – You must bring water to every practice.
  • Water Shoes – To every water practice you must bring footwear that can get wet. You will be carrying the boat from the Cage, across an unpaved lot, over a public street, down granite steps, and into the pond. No bare feet.


Must Have

  • Rowing Shorts - Again, compression fit. Nothing loose or baggy that will get caught under the sliding seat. No basketball shorts!
  • T-Shirt - Nothing fancy here, short or long sleeve depending, and again snug not baggy. A wicking fabric is preferred.
  • Socks - The shoes are part of the boat and shared by everyone, enough said.
  • Water Shoes - No bare feet.
  • Water - Bring your own water bottle. No sharing. The two most important things you can do to row at peak performance are get adequate sleep and stay hydrated


Should Have

  • Tights/Leggings - When the weather turns chilly tights replace shorts.
  • Cold Weather Gear - This can vary depending on personal preferences, but can include a heavier under layer, an additional layer, a sweatshirt, a wind breaker, a rain jacket.
  • Hat - Just because you are young does not mean you can ignore the dangers of the sun. There is zero shade on the water, and we get solar radiation from above and below as it reflects off the water. On warm days (sunny or cloudy) wear a hat with a brim. When it gets cold wear a fleece or wool beanie.
  • Polarized Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen


Nice to Have

  • A towel to dry off your feet.
  • Wool socks for those cold days. My personal favorite is Merino wool.
  • Pogies that cover your hands for those really cold days.
  • A change of clothing for when you get wet.
  • A healthy easily digestible snack.

Note: Try to avoid cotton. Cotton absorbs perspiration. Tech fabrics or wicking fabrics work best. They will keep you dry and cool on hot days and warm and dry on cold days.