Sophia Jensen is Belmont  High School “Marauder of the Week”

ABCrew co-president Salpi Der Stepanian

  1. Favorite school subject: Social Studies and French.
  2. Most influential class(es) and/or teacher(s): AP World History with Ms. Mastalong, AP US History with Ms. White, AP Econ with Mr. Zilcoski
  3. Extracurriculars that have been meaningful to you: Arlington-Belmont Crew!! NSLI-Y Arabic study abroad in Jordan, CIEE French study abroad, playing bassoon with the school band.
  4. What are you most proud of doing or being part of, either at BHS or in the community? I am most proud of being a member of the Arlington-Belmont Crew team as a co-captain this year. As part of my time on the team I’ve been able to row in Head of the Charles two years in a row.
  5.  What are you passionate about? I am passionate about travel and cultural immersion while learning new languages.
  6. What words of wisdom would you like to leave for other BHS students? Go where you are not just tolerated, but celebrated.

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